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As businesses embrace technology, data and AI, it’s vital to get hold of what makes them human.
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By seeing themselves as a person they can bring an emotional intelligence to how they behave internally and externally.

We create conversations for you to explore your business in terms of its body, character, relationships, life, mind and psyche.

Considering each of these in turn means you see your organisation as a connected whole, allowing you to make meaningful changes that ripple through everything you do.

Who is it for?

For businesses that know they need to change; who have lost direction, whose culture or teams are flagging, who have forgotten who they are, who aspire to be more.

What is it?

It’s a process that allows you to see your business for who it truly is, to understand itself more deeply, to realise its potential.

It can involve as much as your team as possible, bringing them together in small groups to think about your business in terms of:

  • Body: appearance, internal workings, health
  • Character: personality, voice, qualities
  • Relationships: internal, external, wider
  • Life: history, experiences, stage of development
  • Mind: knowledge, wisdom, insight
  • Psyche: spirit, imagination, aspiration

There is an opportunity to work as deeply as you wish within each aspect, understanding that they all operate in a connected way.

How does it work?

  1. We start with an initial consultation to understand where you are as a business and what you’re looking to achieve
  2. We tailor the process and our team to fit your needs, mapping out a series of group / one-to-one discussions to stimulate rich thinking throughout the business
  3. We collate insights into a report which is presented to stakeholders
  4. In some cases we will work with you to develop recommendations as part of the report, or as a follow-on piece of work together

Please get in touch to find out more.

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